Monday, November 10, 2014

My type of cold

Sometimes we take the cold to mean sad and sorrowful times, where in reality it is a time when we get to sit close to the fire, drink coffee, warm up under the blanket, eat good food, and warm our hearts with the presences of the people loved the most. These cold times are a coming, but as long as you can drive that sadness, from lack of sunlight, away, nothing can touch the memories and bonds made in the cold. Yes, daylight lessens and night time hours increase, but we reminisce on stories from the past, stupid things we  have done with friends, even fabulous successes that never really saw light of day, because of your immersion in them at any given point in time. The cold gives us a time to step back from ourselves and out of ourselves and really get a look at what we have accomplished and the people we have surrounded ourselves with. Don't get me wrong, summer is fantastic and the beaches are always a pleasure, but getting warm around the bonfire with a nice beer, a few of your best mates, and some fun girls to keep conversation interesting, that is what I look forward to with the  coming of cold times, damn right. 

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